more pics:
Cases all machined, clean, and ready to go.

Closeup of the work.

Big end pin. The surface in the middle is the Microblue coating.

New piston vs old. I expect that the new one is significantly heavier. Bigger diameter and much wider skirts.

KTM 560 SMR head gasket.

Rod big end bearing (came with the pin from Taffy and I sent them in for the Microblue coating), a transmission bearing (not sure which one yet), and the mains. These ball bearings are hybrids. The balls are ceramic and the races are steel. Very expensive!

Cam follower rollers, pins, and needles. All got the coating. We'll see how they last...probably for ever given how often I'm able to ride these days.

Bearing seals.

Cam bearings and, again, not sure which these larger 2 are but I know they go in the transmission somewhere. Travis will figure it out.

Another shot of the rod.

Cylinder - bored, sleeved, and honed by Thumper Racing and then coated by Microblue. Can you tell that I've jumped onto the Microblue bandwagon with both feet? Kinda crazy since I haven't got any experience with them at all.

Closeup of the sleeve work.

That's it for now. Gotta box it all up with the rest of the parts and get them up to Travis. Now to figure out what I'm forgetting. Oh, I know...the Titanium piston pin. I guess I'd better find that. Probably in a box somewhere.