Agreed, tank removal is painful compared to my FE 550 which took about 30 seconds. While I didn't have the fuel boiling issue stick it's head up, I jumped on to it early. Removed the tanks and used exhaust wrap to cover the mid pipe from where the muffler connects right up to where it goes under the frame. I looked at a few options and decided to do it while the mid pipe was still on the bike....painful, but not that big a the same time I got some heat reflective foil insulation and cover the area under the tank that was closest to the mid pipe.
When done it was clear the wrap worked very well, even at operating temp I can grab the mid pipe and hold it for as long as I want without melting of flesh, combined with the tape I'd say it'll have reduced heat transfer to the tank / fuel dramatically, pm me if you want some pics.
As far as hill climbs and boiling I think it'll happen regardless, lots of heat revs and stress and little air flow through the radiators, surprised it boils though with LI fluid in it, I use it in my 950, it's very good product, I'll be setting up my 550 with the same next service.
May a way to assist would be to wire up an over ride switch for your fan, when you get to the snotty stuff turn it on and let it run and when you get clear flick it off....not sure but figure it can't hurt.