I installed a fan kit when I first got my bike so it has never really run hot on me, fan just comes on when I get on tight single track. Recently I put new hoses on that are a little bigger and eliminated the thermostat. It seems like now my fan comes on more often and not just when I am on single track. It was pretty hot temperature wise the other day while riding (upper 80's) and that may have contributed to the fan running more but we were not riding much single track mostly just fast fire trails that day. One of the guys riding with me mentioned that the water may be circulating through the system too fast without the thermostat to allow for the motor to be cooled properly. Should I be concerned! I do live in Florida and the temps here while riding are usually between 40 and 90 degs. F. so I am not concerned with it freezing. Should I put the thermostat back in or am I better off without it for cooling purposes! I do have the competition map installed and also an FMF pipe.