Ever since I bought this bike the speedo has never worked for a second, previous owner claimed it worked intermittently for a period before dying on him.
I pulled it apart and gave it the standard electronics treatment, checked connections, board, soldering points, battery but it looks flawless inside.
However, if I disconnect both the power and battery for a few minutes and then hook it back up to the 12V it lights up, like if it's running a short boot sequence but then goes black again. Saw this happen a few times while trying to figure it out.
Only possible issue I saw was a bit of oxidation on the + and - cables going on to the board, and likewise in the connectors outside, so I cleaned it out with electronics spray and brushes. Connectivity seems fine with multimeter.
I've heard this was a common fault on them so I'm thinking bad electronics components.
Anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
Order a Trail Tech Vapor?
I pulled it apart and gave it the standard electronics treatment, checked connections, board, soldering points, battery but it looks flawless inside.
However, if I disconnect both the power and battery for a few minutes and then hook it back up to the 12V it lights up, like if it's running a short boot sequence but then goes black again. Saw this happen a few times while trying to figure it out.
Only possible issue I saw was a bit of oxidation on the + and - cables going on to the board, and likewise in the connectors outside, so I cleaned it out with electronics spray and brushes. Connectivity seems fine with multimeter.
I've heard this was a common fault on them so I'm thinking bad electronics components.
Anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
Order a Trail Tech Vapor?