2002 FE400E fixes and mods questions. My first Husaberg


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Sep 30, 2004
I just bought a 2002 FE400E. I wanted to try and make the bike as reliable as possible. I have read many of the tips about this bike including the famous spreadsheet of knowledge. Did Taffy make this?

I had some questions which I would like to clear up. It just seems like a good idea to understand the problem rather than toss parts around blindly.

I called the local shop. They have the cam sprocket in stock and the rockers. Nice guys to deal with.

What exactly is wrong with the stock rockers and what year(s) should they be replaced with? The parts guy thought KTM rockers might fit also and would be cheaper.

The counter balancer should be updated to the newer double roller bearing unit or so I am told. I also read that this or something could be taken out entirely to prevent the problem? Maybe I am mistaken here.

Is it a good idea to change the valve springs while I am updating the rockers? A guy in here said one broke on him most likely due to the aggressive cam profile.

The stock cam chain can be swapped with an older longer lasting one? I looked at Taffy’s picture and it was confusing because it said the older model chain was shagged up which made me think it was not as good. If I interpreted this wrong what year of cam chains will fit that are stronger than the stock?

The cam chain tensioner was updated or modified? I read that the cam chain or tensioner allows the cam chain to move or stretch and rub the case causing metal flakes to go in your oil. What year tensioner would fix this problem or how is the stock tensioner modified? What is wrong with the stock tensioner?

The gear on the electric start should be changed to a clutch type to prevent damage when rolling backwards or if the motor backfires? What year clutch gear do I need to get?

I had a few ideas for mods I thought of doing with the bike. I was thinking of adding an oil cooler to add more oil volume and to keep it running cooler since these bikes hold so little oil. I was curious if anyone has done this before with good results. I was trying to decide the best route to do this; through the frame or with lines and a small radiator like on my XR.

The stators seem to be a bit finicky or so I have read. Some say heat, vibration, corrosions, or all cause them to go bad. I thought perhaps a one way valve could be put on the top of the stator cover to let some heat out.

Any addition things you might want to add would be greatly appreciated as this is my first Husaberg.

Here is my 2 cents.
If the bike has 50 hrs or more on it replace the cam sprocket, timing chain,tensioner and rockers. If you have the head off inspect and replace the valves if they are tuliped.
As for the counterbalancer I would leave it alone, the upgrade is very costly. From what I have gathered bottom end and balancer failures are not as common on the 400.
As for the starter clutch I believe that was a problem on earlier models and you should be ok.
Just remember to change the oil frequently and adjust the valves regularly.
Its too bad that a ton of old posts were lost not too long ago due to hackers. With regard to the starter gear it was a 01 problem. An updated starter gear was supplied as a warranty item to 01 owners. I had mine sent out to be cryogenically treated before installation. I am pretty sure the 02's had the new starter gear in place and do not need this part to be updated.

I am in the process of putting an 04 starter and related pieces onto my 01 470fx. I should have the results soon and will be sure to post them here. I'll post all the nessasary part numbers in case you may want to give it a whirl.

There are currently no oil coolers available for the Berg. Read these threads, concerns are oil pressure drop:
oil cooler thread

help thread

deadeyedick, be welcome here. I think you bought a nice bike.
I totally agree with Berger. There is no need to change all the parts
too early. Because of all the costs maybe you could have rather bought
a newer Bike.
From my experiences there is no problem for the 400 with the single
bearing counter balancer, even with my 501 till today it had not become
a problem after 100hrs. It can be that your cam sprocket is already made of steel.
The chain should be checked. The chain supplier for post 2001 engines was Iwis, which was in my opinion not the best choice. Just have a look to the tensioner and check that the notch is not in its last position. When you want to change the
chain order a "Regina" chain. The chains only differ in length. The chains
of the old models have just a few more links. You can shorten it to the
right length. Look into the parts manual- There you´ll see how many links your chain has got.
The starter gears I would leave in the engine until they don´t work well.
The valve springs I also wouldn´t change and rocker arm bearings must be checked after 50 hrs, so you have to decide to change them. I had mine for 70 hrs in use.
Surely there were some improved details the following years, but nothing really to matter about. And other mods? I don´t know what you need.
The bike is ready to race. I changed the silencer. But normally stock the bike is already high leveled.

best regards

Dead eye

the sheet was put together by me with tons of info from other people which i've credited but you have to remmeber that even the basic knowledge came from SOMEONE here so UHE combined effort methinks. schwim started out by saying he'd allocate it some space but i guess the site doesn't want responsibility for 'short cuts' and 'fixes'.

i've modofied my wording in my gallery for the cam chain. my view is:

camwheel-if alloy replace
camchain-replace immediately
tensioner-update immediately

rockers-remove rocker box and check them for play and running. if stiff they're ok, if easy to spin = they've had it.
view the end of the followers for tell-tale sign that there is a pin inside a hollow dowel = job already done.
regina chain from earlier model is a must.

head off? check for tuliping and headgasket leakage.

bearings are fine in the balancer on the 400.

starter clutch is news to me! too many beers at this end or i just don't remember any previous conversation.

valve springs-leave alone-silly to think of changing them yet.

good luck

As they say:- If it ain't broke, dont fix it! :wink:

For what it's worth, the 400 is the most reliably of all the Husaberg models. They cause the least problems everywhere.

Personally, I would just get on it and ride it, enjoying the experience until there is any maintenance to be done. Then go about making some adjustments to the parts.

You have to do a lot of hours to end up with tuliped valves and dodgy valve springs. I also fear that premature tuliped valves are caused by over-revving. There are normally some pretty clear signs if the valves are tuliped though.

The rockers rollers are the weak point and as suggested, an update to the 03 wider type is recommended - but then again, only when the current ones actually go. Some have only got 25 odd hours out of their early rollers, some have gotten almost 100.

It is easy to tell when they are on the way out - valve lash adjustment increases and you can't correct that adjustment. However, there is always a good warning this is about to happen.

In addition to updating the roller, Dale Lineaweaver sells a camshaft that has a much friendlier attitude towards the rocker rollers and is a worthwhile investment.

As for the oil cooler, just add a little more oil to your engine.

Otherwise go and have fun riding what is, and I hope for you, remains the most reliable engine in the Husaberg family.

I pretty much so echo the comments made by Berger,Hribman,and Taffy.the 400 seems to be the one berg that we hardly ever sell parts for.the one bit that i might suggest is to replace the camshaft bearings as well.they are inexpensive and it is not too difficult to do this.if the bike has very few hours on it(less than 35) i think i would just ride it and do some of these updates down the trail!good luck,Dan.
Thanks for the replys everyone.

I picked up the bike today at the shipping yard and everything went smoothly. I was so giddy i couldn't even wait for the bike to come to my work the next day.

The bike is in very nice condition.

I hope to ride it this comming weekend if weather permits.

After reading the posts and talking to my dad I am just going to change the oil, check the valves and ride it until a few nasty days come along in the winter. Then I'll open up the case and check everything and update the neccesary parts.


Don't forget to Enjoy those nice riding days while you still can.
I really feel all you need to do is a little detective work.
1. Inspect your oil screen every time you change your oil. (I change mine every ride of 40 + miles.) Also I strain my oil every time I change it. Looking for debris
2. Replace stock oil filter with a Scott's permanent oil filter (cleanable)
3. Periodical pull your chain tensioner and inspect how far out it is. Farther out and accompanied with ferrous metal on oil screen. Shows more wear someplace in motor, most likely it’s the counter shaft driver bearing, inspect the bearing and service ASAP!
4. Most likely you already have the up graded slip gear on your starter.
On 02 bikes there was a lot of 01 part put in them. As in the counter shaft and balancers, but the only way to tell, is to remove them from then engine. which I'd only do if I was finding ferrous metal in the on the oil screen.
My son Has a 03 fe400e and it's a really fine machine. That has so far been very reliable! Congratulation on your new bike and have fun!

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