Hi, first post on the board but I've been lurking for a few weeks now going through all of the old threads on here.
Bit of background about my biking history before I launch into the questions you've all been asked a million times before... 
I currently ride a Kawasaki ZRX1100 that I've had for 4 years and love. It's a bit of a bus when it comes to hustling twisty roads (which is fine, it's all part of the "character" right :lol: ) so I'm thinking about buying a supermoto/enduro bike to compliment the ZRX. I wouldn't sell the ZRX as I wouldn't get much for it as I've put over 30,000 miles on it and they don't go for that much with less miles and in better condition than mine and I occasionally need to make long motorway journeys to visit family. I started out riding on an old Yamaha DT125LC 8 years ago (the bike was older than me then!!) and rode that for a year before passing my test and trading up to a Kawasaki KLR600. I found myself using the bike for 95% commuting so got a Yamaha XJ600 Diversion which I ran into the ground before getting the ZRX. I had visions of converting my KLR into a supermoto but lack of funds at the time prevented that from ever happening, I have wanted a proper supermoto/enduro bike since though.
So the reason I'm posting all this here is because I've been offered a 2001 (or possibly a 2002) Husaberg FS650E by my friend. The story goes like this - He bought it about 4 years ago and rode it trouble free for about 6 months before the cam chain snapped and made a swift exit through the head. Obviously this caused major engine damage and the bike has been off the road since. He is currently having the engine re-built by Dave Clarke Racing and it's apparently almost ready to go back in the bike. I know 3 and a half years seems like a long time to re-build an engine (not DCR's fault I might add!!) but since the engine blew my friend has had 3 kids and has moved house a few times as well as changing cars a few times to accommodate his family. He works full time on top of all that so he hasn't had much time or money to put into the Husaberg which is why it's taken so long to re-build.
My friend assures me (and I fully trust him, we've been friends longer than we haven't) that the engine is being fully re-built and when he comes to sell it it will have a full MOT and be taxed for 12 months. However he isn't one for researching things on the internet/owners clubs etc so will not have seen the excellent wiki on this website which I have just spent a few days going through...
Quite frankly that wiki has almost totally put me off buying his Husaberg. My worry is that while I'm 100% DCR will know about all of the pre 2004 issues and weakpoints of the engine, my friend won't know and will have asked for it to be re-built to original spec. I'm not entirely sure how much my friend is paying for the re-build but I think it's in the region of around £4-600 so I can't see it including all new bearings, non-aluminium cam chain, steel camwheel, newer profile cam and dual valve spring kit etc etc. My friend is not stupid when it comes to bikes, he's had plenty of them and used to be a bicycle mechanic in a respected bike shop but I genuinely don't think he knew about these issues to fix them. My worry is buying the bike from him only to have to take it to pieces and spend a load of money sorting out all the issues that the older engines had.
I am going to see my friend this weekend when I visit my parents in North Wales so I will ask him all of this then. Alternatively I suppose I could ring (or even go in and see them as they're only 30 miles away from me!) DCR and ask them how they're re-building my friends engine although I'm not sure they'd tell some randomer from the street what's going on with a customers engine...
My friend has offered to sell me the bike at mates rates which I think will be around £1300-1400. I thought this was a good deal for a freshly re-built bike with 12 months tax and test (assuming the engine has been re-built with the earlier issues in mind), what do you guys think? There's a 2001 FS650E on DCR at the moment for £1600 in good condition but again I have no idea of the history.
Finally, a question about enduro wheels. Am I right in thinking that the front axle is 22mm diameter and the rear is 20mm diameter for this year? This would rule out being able to fit a KTM front wheel of the same year as they were 20mm diameter axles although I'm not sure on rear wheel fitment. I ask as there aren't that many second hand Husaberg enduro wheels around! (I'd be buying second hand wheels to keep the cost down).
Apologies for the massive essay first pots, I hope someone can advise!