Bought this bike last week. My tail light works, which I refer to as a running light, but I cannot get any sort of brake light to actuate. I pulled the seat and noticed that there are three wires that come from the rear light to the area of the fuse box. I'll post a photo of them. I'm not certain if I'm missing something or if I have a problem with a switch or an actuator somewhere. I've done as much searching on the forums as my brain can possibly take and now I'm looking for some guidance.
For reference, my bike is a US model and has the switch for the horn, but no horn. It also has functioning headlights, high beam and low beam as well as the functioning tail light.
Is there a microswitch or actuator switch behind the foot brake? Behind the handbrake? Or am I just missing something altogether. Have a look at the photos and you'll also see a couple of wires that look like plug and play into something. I'm guessing it's the enduro kit.
I checked the fuse, which I believe is fuse number 3 or 4 for the brake lights. Both of them work.
Thoughts? Thanks!
For reference, my bike is a US model and has the switch for the horn, but no horn. It also has functioning headlights, high beam and low beam as well as the functioning tail light.
Is there a microswitch or actuator switch behind the foot brake? Behind the handbrake? Or am I just missing something altogether. Have a look at the photos and you'll also see a couple of wires that look like plug and play into something. I'm guessing it's the enduro kit.
I checked the fuse, which I believe is fuse number 3 or 4 for the brake lights. Both of them work.
Thoughts? Thanks!