Got the factory sm kit for my bike today. Took about two months to receive it, but whatever. I liked the factory kit because it came with a cush drive hub, and should give me a factory look. I can't wait to get everything installed.
Why yes in fact, I just took it for the first test ride today. Had a little mix up with some spacers for the rear wheel and was having alignment issues, but that's all taken care of now. So without further ado...
I switched the rear sprocket from 50t to a 48t. I just rode it around the block so I'm not sure what it will feel like at highway speeds. At low speeds though it was harder to lift the front wheel. The adjusters are out almost as far as they can go too, so I might remove a link or two from the chain.
Overall the bike felt great though. Really smooth compared to the knobbies lol. The lower seat height is nice too, now I can actually touch the ground with both feet while stopped.
BlueDevil I got blue hubs, blue nipples and black wheels on EBay for a good price. Here is a pic of the front wheel, I am just waiting for the rear cush drive wheel