Thinking about adding another berg to the stable


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Sep 27, 2013
Thinking of adding another berg to the stable

So I bought my FE450 about a year ago specifically to convert to supermoto. I've since completed that conversion and the bike is a blast to ride on pavement. Still, I find myself swapping on the dirt wheels quite frequently to go riding off road. In fact my regular dirt bike, an old kx125 2t, hasn't even been ridden this year.

I find that I enjoy the suspension, the electric start, and the power of the 450 much more. But the 450 is really too much bike for me off road. It's too tall, it's heavy to pick up when it falls over, and I really don't need all that power. I've found myself wishing I had a smaller version of the 450 to ride when I'm doing more serious off roading.

Well it just so happens that the dealer that I bought my 450 from also has a new 2013 FE250 for sale. They've dropped the price to $6k and I'm finding myself very tempted to pull the trigger.

I'll probably end up getting it, but I was just wondering what the opinions were on these bikes. When I sat on it the bike felt good, very similar to my 450 but a little shorter and lighter. Seems like just what I'm looking for. Just wondering if there is anything to look out for or if it's really not that great of a deal for the price.

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I'm not really going to help you in any way, but maybe you can help me!
Since you own a 125 2T at the moment, how is it compared to the 250 4T?

I'm finding myself in a similar position at the moment where I'm looking to get another bike to get me started in the offroad world. Can't really decide myself between 125 2T or 250 4T, I seem to change opinion every other day...
... Do yourself a favour and get the 125. The thing is a mountain goat. And can be ridden VERY fast. It is much much harder to ride than any 4t as you are always on the band. Pure clutch control! No lazy 4t lugging. Down side is more maintenance, but easy to work on. Grin from ear to ear.
I've already got a Kawi KX125 2t. The thing is a blast to ride in wide open areas, but not so great in tight technical stuff, which is where I prefer to ride. My 125 is a mx bike and has a stiffer suspension and also being a 2t it is very fast for it's size but the throttle is more of an on/off switch. Which once again, makes it hard to ride off road.

To answer your question OldMan, I don't know since I've never ridden a high performance 250 4t. A KLX250 doesn't count since it makes less than 20hp and weighs 300+ lbs. But I think that I would like the 250 since I enjoy my 450 so much, just want something a little smaller for the tough trails.
It is much much harder to ride than any 4t as you are always on the band. Pure clutch control! No lazy 4t lugging.

That's the reason that I'm looking at a 4t. The 2t is fun in the wide open areas, but it's hard to ride in the slow stuff. One advantage it does have is the light weight though.
I can recommend the 250 4 stroke,because it's way more manageble in the tight stuff, it's a world of difference with a 450.I rode both the 250 4S KTM and the 450 4S KTM M.Y.2013.If the terrain is more open the 450 is the better choice in my opinion.

Did you thought of a 200 2 stroke?like a KTM or a GASGAS.
You will have the tractability of a 4 stroke and lower maintenance costs.
Downsite is that these 200's are less available?
And if you could find a KTM 200 you could rebuild it with Husaberg plastics:)

Grtz Rens
Well it's always nice to add a bike to the stable but from what you're saying I'd suggest a TE250.

I find 250 4t bikes good in tight stuff but lacking power when needed, a 250 2T doesn't have that problem.

Go get one, whatever you choose....a normal person can't get on with only one bike, or two, you gotta have at least 4....


Well I haven't bought the bike yet. I've been doing more research and am starting to think that the FE250 might be too similar to my 450. Now I'm sorta leaning toward one of the newer 2t enduro bikes. I see that they come with electric start now, and it seems like most of the serious enduro riders are riding 2 smokers.

I've entered a local dual sport event that requires your bike to be plated, so it looks like I'll be getting in some more off road time on the 450. :D In the mean time I'll continue to look at some smaller bikes for when I don't need to be street legal.

Thanks to everyone for the advice,

Get a 125 2t woods bike not an mx bike...there is no comparison. I have a 125 and a 144 husky. The bike is an absolute blast in the tight woods. I pass 4t bikes all the time in the tight when racing xc. Handling on these bikes is superb.
Did you thought of a 200 2 stroke?like a KTM or a GASGAS.
You will have the tractability of a 4 stroke and lower maintenance costs.
Downsite is that these 200's are less available?
And if you could find a KTM 200 you could rebuild it with Husaberg plastics:)

Grtz Rens
I know nothing about the GasGas models but the KTM 200cc is already on the list of possibilities. Less available, yes but the thing I'm finding the hardest to find is a plated bike. Most frequently a nice bike is not plated and I don't want to have to deal with it myself.
Hi Oldman,
Am i right that youre meaning a bike with a registration?
What about importing a bike from Spain if possible? Ofcourse a bike with a plate:)
As about GasGas the last bike before the Husaberg i owned was a GasGas EC 300, and i loved it to bits.

Grtz Rens

p.s.i'd prefere a GasGas over KTM:D
Yes, plate AKA registration. Importing from Spain would be the same thing, I'd have to get a Portuguese license plate anyway...
Hi oldman,

Is it that difficult to get a bike wich registered in the get registered in Portugal?:eek:
Since the introduction of the EU, the registration of vehicles should be easier.
Normally most of the European manufacturers have a COC document wich should make matters easer!!
I hope this will help you a little.

Grtz Rens
It's not about being difficult, although I've heard stories of people that tried that and gone wrong. For me it's more about wasting time and money. That's something I don't want to deal with.
Hi Oldman,
Sorry for the late response i was in hospital for surgery on my neck.
well i know what you mean about wasting time and especially money:cry:
Have you ever tried a 300 2 stroke? If not, it's really worthwile you might even be surprised!
Overhere in Holland a GasGas EC 300 is known for it's tractability AKA 3 stroke:D

Grtz Rens

P.S.i wish you wishdom on purchasing a bike:)
I have a 2006 FE550 and a 2010 FE390 looking to add a two smoker to the family
i have a 4 acre enduro track in ny back yard the 390 is the best of the to 4 strokes will a TE 250 be any better ?
The best thing is to try the TE 250 on youre own track, if possible of course.
By my experience, the 250 will "feel " lighter,especially in tighter sections.
On more open tracks the 250 compared to the 390 will be a close call to each other.
As for running costs a 2 stroke is cheaper to maintain compared to a 4 stroke, if ridden hard.
This is my experience.

Grtz Rens
Not been able to find a 2 stoke husaberg within 1000 miles of me pretty rare in these parts people are holding onto them i figure
I am sorry to hear that it is a problem,to get a 2 stroke in Nova Scotia, but if the possebility is there to try one you will be in for a treat:D
Hope for the best you will get your hands on one.

Cheers Rens
I am sorry to hear that it is a problem,to get a 2 stroke in Nova Scotia, but if the possebility is there to try one you will be in for a treat:D
Hope for the best you will get your hands on one.

Cheers Rens
i have put ads in papers and went on Facebook motorcycle groups looking for one but no would appear they are one popular bike ;) no one wants to sell around here.. lots of FE units but i already have two of those
i may have to go out of province or wait till spring

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