Dave Clark Racing


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Jun 14, 2005
Southport, England. The North West Riviera!
Hi All,

For anyone in the UK I can recommend Dave Clark.

I'm new to mx and went along for a little advice and to buy some gear. Got there and found the place a hive of activity, mostly punters "shooting the breeze" I believe the phrase is :wink:
Chatted to one of the spanner boys and got a whole heap of tech info. and Dave was great. Good advice and cheap gear.
I like this mx thing already and Husaberg in particular.
Give the fella a look if you've got the time.

http://www.daveclarkeracing.com/ :D
washing backs, and all

Tell Dave we'll pay a visit to him when he pays a visit to us, and not an employee like last time, we need the real deal :D

hi dale

a punter used to be a person that betted on the horses and then became the slang for anyone there to buy the goods.

a poseur here as the same as over your way. i believe there is though a slight difference., a poseur here WAS someone who vainly tried to look good but i think a poseur nowadays is someone of no action so you would say "do you think he intends to buy that bike?", "no he's a poseur!".

the languase continues to evolve!


Hi Taffy,

First of all, thanks for the clarification. I find my motherlands' slang to be fascinating.

I believe the first time I saw poser in print over here was in Moto Cross Action (MXA) magazine. My take on it was someone who has the latest and greatest bike, with all the aftermarket stuff, but, either wasn't much of a competitor, or wasn't all. A Wannabe. Mostly one would find this type in and around moto cross tracks, "hanging out". I suppose that would be b/c there are way more girls at the tracks than say out in the desert.

MXA is an "interesting magazine" to say the least. IMHO, they are arrogant at the least, but, they do rally against the AMA and the promoters in favor of the privateers. In MXA, one can find advertised all of the latest gadgets and heavily biased "comparison" articles.
Re: washing backs, and all

schwim said:
Tell Dave we'll pay a visit to him when he pays a visit to us, and not an employee like last time, we need the real deal :D


:? :?
Totally agree with you Robin...chances are, I was one of those 'shooting the breeze'

Schwim...who was the 'employee'
my mind is putty

heya Gix,

I can't remember the name of the gentleman, but a couple of years ago, a dealer in the UK was raising holy hell, posting under fake names, etc. about how crappy DCR was. before he got banned, he had posted about his perception on Dave and his crew. A gentleman registered under "IWorkForDaveClark" or something like that to defend Dave's honor.

If I could remember the weiner who registered to post the crap, I could find the thread, but it's really unimportant. The ****** in question later moved to Aus. and started selling WP suspension I believe.

Anyways, really long story short, that's been this site's only dealings with DCR, and if I remember correctly, the user didn't even post! Dave probably told him to cool it as this guy was a complete *******, and nothing DCR said would have done anything other than drag a sad smear campaign out longer.

kinda spooky that Json........

Dave was only recalling that story to me last week 8O

cheers for the info tho :eek:
dipsy doodle.

well, the guy was an *******, and after that deal, I wouldn't blame DCR for not wanting to pop their heads up.

I ended up having to ban him, then he sent me about 10 emails a day stating censorchip issues, and telling me that he was going to go to all the motorcycle forums and post what a dictator I was.

So I blocked his email ;)

we had a craig register didn't we? (i guess i should trawl the membership side....) from NW england. that would have been his parts man at the time.


I have read the posts about DCR and the guy trying to smear his name. Being new to Hasabergs and thinking of buying one i phoned DCR i don't know who i talked to but this guy was really helpful and answered all my questions with enthusiuism and a great deal of knowledge. He put me in touch of the dealer nearest to me (NTB of York) who are equally as helpful and enthuisisatic as DCR. I have had nothing but good vibes of these people and am really pleased with my new FE450, but wherever you go in life there will always be one low life trying to f*ck it up, you just have to rise above it :D

I've been trying to get in contact with DCR lately by email, but with no reply. Is this"normal"?

Tried calling them today no luck there either.. Ah well, if thy don't want to sell bikes ;)
i use dcr alot very helpfull spoke to him the other day hear is the phone number i used 01772 612118 or fax 01772 619957 or email [email protected] .When i have ordered parts they have been spot on and hear next day.when i phone them for advice they have allways been very helpfull and polite even to the exstent of setting my carb up for free if i pop down to them.well recomended
taf, you're responding to a post (muckybill's) that was made a year and a half ago :)

Take your medicine sir. Don't walk towards the light until it's had a chance to take effect.

Gotta Say
It's a shame nothing obviously materialised from the last time i tried to get you and Alex communicating Json.
Don't know the way forward really !
But i can tell ya, they have an excellent online service. Simply email them the part #, send em a cheque - its there the next day.
Long may you reign DCR

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