Inner Tubes, How often do you change them?


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Sep 10, 2008

I was wondering if you guys had a routine when you change out tubes; when putting on new tires, after x amount of miles, after a season, etc, etc.

My search for inner tube changes didn't give me anything besides what people mentioned in tubliss threads.

I'm about to put on a new set of tires and have a set of Michelin heavy duty tubes I'm thinking about tossing them on for preventive maintenance.

I've put on 6k+ miles on these tubes with only a flat on the rear. Since I had to wait for the new tubes, took three weeks around the holidays, and I didn't want to wait I patched the tube.

There was no matching punture in the tire to match the hole in the inner tube which I found quite aggravating because this meant I had no definitive answer for the puncture.

Thanks for sharing.
No idea, I just keep reusing them. If there is a problem, I'm sure you'll discover it, but in the meantime, keep using them.

I've still got the 4mm extra heavy dute bridgestones in my 2004 that I put in not long after buying the bike. I do use a knife or 40 grit sand paper to scrape off the built up rubber on the tubes. Then I give them a good coating of baby powder as well as the inside of the new tire.
Thanks guys. I like what I hear. Use 'em 'till ya kill 'em, then replace 'em.

Good. I'll have a set those heavy duty Michelin tubes as spares. Sounds like they could almost be used for tires by themselves.

Nice way to end a day after some headaches.

Changed oil and topped up the coolant (been waiting about three weeks for the Orangeberg fix kit) only to forget to put the cap on for the first time in my life. Left it next to fill hole. Didn't notice until I was several miles in the jungle heading out of the city via side roads. Berg eats traffic better on side roads in lawless parts of city then having to worry about a State trooper watching from a bridge for illicit acts.

Accessed I wasn't overheating so I pulled big U through traffic, one car back from Johnny Law. He most likely would have understood.

Turned off bike at any light I just caught to avoid over heating. Run down alley to garage looking for cap. Nothin'. On way out jumped both speed bumps in alley so if it didn't come out there then it was where I slowed down or stopped. Nothing at exit of alley but... in the intersection just past the stop sign the cap was sitting perturbed at my stupidity.

Well, aparently my bike was still unhappy because after ripping through traffic to visit a friend I found my tail light out when I was leaving. Great! Plan was to stop by friend's pizzaria that is in a highly policed town a few miles away to talk racing and eat pizza. Funny thing was I didn't make it a half mile before I had three cops pull me over on a bridge.

I had to laugh. Suburbs! There's nothing better to do out there for the cops.

Young copper told me my light was out. I tell him that I just found out and could change it now if a parts shop was open. He knew of one but didn't think it was open.

He asks me what kind of bike I'm on. "It looks like a big dirt bike."
Why, yes. Of course I gave him the run down about the most powerful lightest dirtbike made, that I bought in Boise and made a trip of it, etc, etc.

As he checks my license other guys joke about my plate is taped on. It's on sideways and I left parking slips in the zip tie to obscure numbers from cameras. I don't run red lights. I think it is the dumbest thing to do but I do rolling right hand turns all the time, usually not around cameras but better safe then sorry.

Copper come back and says I could go and asked where I'm heading. I tell him back to the city. He informs me the troopers won't be so lenient. I inform him my other option is through all the little towns in between. He thinks that's a worse idea. I previously pointed out my white helmet which I informed him helped seeing bikers and now mentioned how well the highways were lit so there should be no worries besides the normal idiots.

Then I get this news. Not bad finish to headaches I caused by forgetting cap and then ripping over everything in my way to the suburbs killing tail light bulb.

Yes, a motard should make running out to the burbs even more fun but may kill more tail light bulbs.

Hope story entertained.

Thanks again.

Yeah, that is always a worry. I know to be very careful when installing the tires from other's experience with pinch flats and accidentally puncturing the new tube/old tube.

Before any big trip I would think changing out old/very old tubes would be the norm especially if you aren't carrying spare tubes on bike.

Getting a flat locally is just an inconvenience but when you drove for a day or more to do some special riding minimizing the chance for a flat would be a high priority.

Besides normal riding prep evaluating tubes would cross my mind.

Since I don't know have much experience with tubes I don't have a good base for their life expectancy.

From this tread I see it is not an exact science.

Luck seems to be a big part.
I changed the tube and replaced it with a old H/D one that I didnt check ( ******* :oops: :oops: ) it stayed inflated for 15 minutes :angry: :cuss: . I found some left over Briggs and Stratton Tyre rx that I used on my lawn mower, I put in 17 oz of this junk pumped it up and spun it for 1 min. Went for a 60 mile ride today no probs 8)
Nice recovery but still a pain in the rear.

My baby needs some serious TLC after all the fun she's given me this winter.

I hope to pair her up with an FS just to minimize the hours on her ticker.

She is still one my best all time purchases. The return has been immeasurable.


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