If one of your buddy's work at auto-repair facility they will have one("VAT 45" or similar)...if not Auto-zone, Carquest, napa will test it for free. Make sure the battery is fully charged, at least 75%. The tester places a load on the battery to check its state of condition. A 12v battery must maintain 7.2v for 20 seconds while loaded at zero degrees F. At 70 degrees it is 9.6 volts.
Open circuit voltage/specific gravity 12.66volts or 1.260s.g.
You can test it on the bike while cranking with a multi-meter, but yours cranks intermittently...
I would...
1) pull battery out, trickle charge, then test...replace as necessary
2) while battery is out, CLEAN all connections + and - & associated connectors
3) if problem still persists, check for a voltage drop in the intact start circuit. A multimeter and wiring diagrams will be required for this, all multi-meter instruction manuals describe this procedure.(Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law etc..)
4) after that, if problem still persists, tap on the starter while cranking, if normal operation occurs, starter brushes/contacts are worn.(voltage drop)
Voltage drops are the #1 cause of malfunctions in electrical/electronic systems. (i.e. ...high resistance...open circuit...short circuit)
hope this helps...good luck!!!